Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Deep Thoughts about Irrational Thoughts

There is more to the matter of managing depression than is on the surface.  The impact of depression on a life is seriously underestimated in this culture.  We refer to it as the 'common cold' of medicine.  This implies that it's not serious, just something irritating that we can all slug through.  This also implies that nothing more than mildly relieving symtoms can be done for it.

Research indicates that one in seven people will experience depression
Suicide is the third highest cause of death among adolescents
Twice as many women as men experience depression
By 2020 it will be the second most significant health problem in the world
People with depression are 4 x more likely to have a heart attack than those without
It can increase a woman's risk for broken bones

It is the leading cause of disability in the US for ages 15-44
In the US, businesses spend between 12 and 70 billion dollars caring for or paying the medical expenses of employees that have depression or related illnesses.

Only 10% of all people with depression will receive treatment.
Treatment can provide relief to 80-90% of those affected.

Before the development of SSRIs, cognitive therapy was the most efficacious treatment for depression.  Researchers and therapists discovered that the thought processes of someone with depression can be as irrational as those of someone with untreated schizophrenia.

So, are those thoughts your real thoughts?


  1. I had no idea it was so wide spread, Neora. And I sure didn' know that someone with depression can have as irrational thought processes as someone with schizophrenia.

  2. I guess I'm a bit of an odd duck, Neora.

    Most of my life I've experienced periods of insomnia and restlessness; at those times it's difficult for me to concentrate long enough to write even a short poem. Inevitably, when those stretches of insomnia end, shortly thereafter my creativity reboots and I'm back to doing what I love most, and my work is some of my best (and I tend to criticize my own work pretty stoutly).

    During the past year I've been taking melatonin when my sleep is out of synch with my waking hours, but figured out that it did more good when I began taking three or four 3 mg. caplets on a regular basis, an hour before I hit the sack, rather than hyperdosing only when I had insomnia.

    Works for me, and my patient, long-suffering husband agrees.

    At this writing, my thinking is a lot clearer and more settled, peaceful.

    Unfortunately, about five hours ago I succumbed to a craving and enjoyed one of the best dark chocolate brownies I've tasted in a long time and am utterly wired--but it was worth it!

    Silly me.

    I'm fine otherwise.

    I hope with all my heart that you are, too.

    Keep toasty!
